Love Attendance

During the second half term of Autumn, we ran the Festive Presence attendance drive. Any pupil who achieved 100% attendance was entered into a prize draw during their end of term rewards assembly.

A huge well done to the 839 Swanshurst pupils who showed great resilience last half term and achieved 100% attendance.

A new attendance reward starts this half term, with Love Attendance, which will run from 20th January til 7th February.

Pupils who have 100% attendance will be invited to the canteen for a seasonal treat.




The link between attendance and attainment is clear:

• In 2018/19, just 40% of persistently absent (PA) children in KS2 achieved expected KS2 standards, compared with 84% of pupils who regularly attended school.

• 36% of PA children in KS4 got 9 to 4 in their English and maths GCSEs, compared with 84% of regular attenders.

And it’s never too late to benefit from good attendance:

• More than half (54%) of pupils who were PA in Year 10 and then rarely absent in Year 11, passed at least 5 GCSEs, compared to 36% of pupils who were persistently absent in both years.

But attendance is important for more than just attainment:

• Regular school attendance can facilitate positive peer relationships, which is a protective factor for mental health and wellbeing.

2025-2-7 0:0:00 2025-2-7 0:0:00 Europe/London Love Attendance Swanshurst School

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