Lunchtime Arrangements

Lunchtime is a chance for students to socialise, to meet new friends and to try new experiences. It should be used productively and to support this there is a large number of lunchtime clubs and classes including study support in the library. 

The school has appointed its own chef and is now taking responsibility for the quality of the food we serve to our students. It has been a great success with a huge increase in the number of pupils eating in our Dining Areas. 

Free School Meals

We have seen a number of pupils spending their allowance on snacks at breaktime. They will no longer be able to use their FSM allowance until lunchtime. This is to encourage our students to purchase a “meal” option which will be a much healthier and filling choice for them.

Eating at Lunchtime

We are part of the Healthy Schools network, and all of our food at lunchtime complies with national standards. There are always fresh vegetables and salads to accompany main dishes, and the menu over a fortnightly period ensures a really balanced and healthy range of dishes.